A Dangerous Mix
Edited by Dennis Hemphill and Caroline Symons 2002
(pb) viii + 131 pp.
$32.95 (+ postage)
Gender, sexual orientation and sexiness are provocative enough topics, but become volatile when sport is added to the mix. To what extent does 'masculinity rule' in sport? What is its impact on sports management, reporting and playing? How does it effect heterosexual female athletes, gay and lesbian athletes, not to mention non-athletic boys and men? Is there space enough in sport to support a range of gender and sexual identities and community voices?
This collection of original research papers and essays, featuring Siberian and New Zealand authorship and content, will address the way masculinity rules in sport and how it is challenged.
The book is accessible to researchers, teachers and students with an interest in sport and society. It features articles from disciplines such as culture studies, history, law, philosophy and sociology. This diversity, along with the inclusion of reference and writing resources, makes the book a useful research and teaching tool.
Dennis Hemphill and Caroline Symons work in the School of Human Movement, Recreation and Performance at Victoria University in Melbourne.
Contents Helen Lenskyj, Dennis Hemphill, & Caroline Symons Introduction
Section 1. Masculinity Rules
William F. Keane Sport, Heroism and the Great War
Ian Warren Hyper-masculinity, Superleague and Corporate Governance
Michael Reynolds & Marie Taylor Perceptions of Abuse in Coaching
Murray Drummond Masculinity and Self-Identity in Elite Triathlon, Bodybuilding and Surf Lifesaving
Marnie Haig-Muir Is That a Woman? Gender and Sexuality in Women¹s Golf
Section 2. Bending the Rules
Margaret Lindley Taking a Joke Too Far and Footballers' Shorts
Kathryn Goldie Pectoral Poseurs: Gender and Sexuality in Gladiators
Michael Burke Joshing and Nudging the Big Boys: Sport Comedy Shows on Television
Tara Brabazon The Best on Earth in Perth: Aerobics and Feminism
Caroline Symons The Gay Games and Community.
Section 3. Teaching and Research Matters
Dennis Hemphill Writing Gender and Sexuality in Sport
Pam Thomas & Caroline Symons Gender, Sexualities and Sport: A Select Bibliography
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