A history of the formative years of the Port Melbourne Football Club
Price: $30
(pb) vi + 218 pp.
ISBN: 1 876718 84 6
Terry Keenan captures the colourful, often turbulent history of the formative years of the Port Melbourne Football Club, a club that has always had its passionate supporters as well as its detractors. Carefully researched and illustrated with period photographs, Kicking in the Wind brings to life a fascinating period of the club's history, tracing it from its beginnings until World War I. Along the way we meet many memorable characters and explore how the club attained its unique reputation.
Terry Keenan has spent most of his life in and around Port Melbourne and has participated actively in the sporting life of the community. A life member, former player and past president of the Port Melbourne Cricket Club and an active member of the Port Melbourne Bowling Club, he played for the football club's second and third eighteens and has seen every one the club's 24 grand finals since 1941. He was also one of the selectors of the club's recently announced Team of the Century. Terry has also written extensively about club and community affairs and is a foundation member of the Port Melbourne Historical and Preservation Society.

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